BE BOLD2021. máj. 27.1 perc olvasásFrissÃtve: 2021. aug. 26.Be bold! Wear the COCO set with confidence and conquer the world with it! Berns Jewelry with Swarovski crystals from the Heart of Europe.Berns Jewelry with Swarovski crystals from the Heart of Europe#berns #bernsjewellery #crystalsfromtheheartofeurope #swarovskicrystals #swarovski
Be bold! Wear the COCO set with confidence and conquer the world with it! Berns Jewelry with Swarovski crystals from the Heart of Europe.Berns Jewelry with Swarovski crystals from the Heart of Europe#berns #bernsjewellery #crystalsfromtheheartofeurope #swarovskicrystals #swarovski